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Friday, 21 July 2017

Top 10 On-Page SEO Tips For The Perfect Landing Page

Here are my top 10 tips for the perfectly optimized landing page.

1. Change Your File Name
Calling your HTML file “0023.html” is not telling anyone anything. Try including the title or vague description of the page within the URL, be it the name of the HTML document or a folder (although not as effective).

2. Create Clean URL’s/Permalinks
Use htaccess to make clean URLs/Permalinks – Clean URLs (or Permalinks) offer a clear and concise description to the end user and also search engines.

“” is better than “”

3. Use .htaccess to Change Your File Types
Whilst in fact the page title for this specific document is “…t-landing-page.html” the actual URL is more like “″.  Having a file type, I have found, actually makes Google respond differently to the content. You can also use this to cover up what server side language is being used, in this case, PHP.

Preferentially I like to replace spaces with dashes (“-”) however underscores (“_”) are fine too…. and now I am re-reading this paragraph and the gamer geek in me is coming out… Id like to introduce Kirby (“-”) and Sackboy (“_”) (please ignore reference if not a gamer).

4. The <title> Element
Clear and concise keyword usage should be used here. Try and vary these amongst various pages, its a haven for key words to be identified with strong word weight.

5. Meta Tags (Description & Keywords)
The “description” is vital. Google uses this as a default text for its listing: listing from
If you do not add a default description, Google will use algorithmic technology to pick the most appropriate content of your site.

6. Use the H1-H6 Elements
I cant stress this enough. Do NOT simply change the font size and style of a paragraph to make it look like one. Change your h1,h2,h3 etc to look how you want using CSS. Headers are important keyword elements and should not be discarded.

7. Sitemap for the Users and another for Search Engines
Site maps enable search engines to actively cache pages faster and more efficiently than it can ever do on its own.
An HTML site map is a graphical site map unlike the one for search engines which is XML based (so machines can read it easier). For more information see articles on this site for sitemaps.

8. Focus…
Focus on what your trying to sell to the user/customer. Do not babble on with irrelevant terminology unrelated to your product or service. Focus, focus, focus… that wasnt spamming a keyword, I was just reiterating a valid ‘buzz’ word.

9. Close your elements!!!!
Clean code is good code, make sure your elements are closed with the appropriate closing tags. Open <p>…. close </p>… open <h1>… close </h1>…. I should audition for the next Mr.Miyagi

10. Try using key phrases instead of keywords.
If making a site about dog grooming, its all well and good using the word dog frequently… but use “dog grooming” together gives you more of a chance of hitting a keyword match.

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